So, Alex tells me I can post all my pictures and comments at once--let's see!
I decided to give you a "day in the life of" since "they" said it couldn't be done!
I started my morning at 5:30 with my personal scripture study. At 6:15 I went for a walk. Yes! 6:15 AM--it was still dark, but, actually warmer than it has been the rest of this morning--only 29 degrees that early. The temple is about a half mile from the mission home. I LOVE this statue of Joseph and Hyrum--it always reminds me of Jospeh Smith saying "“This is the loveliest place and the best people under the heavens; little do they know the trials that await them.” I think it is still true today.

From the temple I walked down the center of town--Mulholland Street. This theatre has been turned into a diner! We ate here for lunch one day. There is always a whole table of men, sitting and eating and talking--reminds me of Mayberry!

The name of it is Grandpa John's Cafe!
And no town would be complete without a fudge factory! This one is owned by church members.
Zion's Mercantile is also owned by members. It is a combination of a store, an inn, and a restaurant.
This is the bakery where we buy the bread to have at each of the missionaries' apartments along with some soup for their first day of arrival. GOOD BREAD!

In the middle of all the shops and stores there will be random houses--this one was deserted, but some of them are kept up nicely.

Now I'm on my way home, again--I think Brother Allyn did the windows in the temple???

Next to the Allyn House is the most popular place in town--when it's open (many of these places are closed until summer)---Annie's fresh frozen custard! The lady's name isn't even
Annie--I think it's Brenda.

When my parents brought their whole family (in a BUS) to Nauvoo--we ate here. It's closed until the spring.

Last night, our "boss", Mark Lusvardi, came to check on us. Rus told people he was coming to check to see if we still had a pulse. I said he was coming to see if we had totally ruined what they were trying to do in Nauvoo! He really just came to answer any questions--That's pretty amazing, when you realize that it is at least a 3 hour car ride away from any airport! He wanted to take us out somewhere nice to eat--but all the really nice places in Nauvoo aren't open yet--so we went to Weber's Kitchen! Talk about a home town feel...they had a taco bar--all sorts of mexican food--but it looked more like a potluck ward social! Rus and Brother Lusvardi weren't at all impressed--but I thought the food was pretty good--Maybe because I didn't have to cook it!

I'm told that Mr. Kraus owns a good deal of the land and stores up in the town part of Nauvoo. Down on what we call "the flats" (where all the sites are) the church owns most of it.

The latest need in Nauvoo--other than the ever present one of not having enough business in the off season is their library. It's just a little place and needs to be updated--too bad--it's kind of cute, don't you think?

Can you tell it's getting lighter? Back by this magnificent temple, again.
The first session we

went to after we arrived in Nauvoo, was amazing. There was a time when I felt the power and presence of all my ancestors who had been here. I was overwhelmed with their love for me and the sacrifices they gladly made for their families--present and future. I know these aren't the original walls--but it was as if the very walls were speaking to me. I got a glimpse of how "all

things are present" with the Lord.
And just a 5 to 10 minute walk, and here we are, back home again!
Now I understand, in part, why no one ever gave us a "day in the life of": I'm only up to 7:00am and I'm out of time! Maybe I'll finish later--but I've got to go now. Life is anything but boring here--even in the "down" season!