Since it is Mother's day month--I think an appropriate blog would be one honoring the women in the Church, both past and present! We have incredible women--sister missionaries--here, in Nauvoo. Some of you may recognize Sister Lofgreen (far left). These women are waiting to be taken to the Relief Society Reenactment that was done here on March 17th this year. Each of these three sisters is a wonderful representation of our Sister Missionaries. They are dedicated and faithful. I wish you could see them up close...they radiate the light of the gospel. None of their lives have been easy, but they choose to find the good in each situation and to move forward in faith, just like the early saints in Nauvoo.
We were escorted to the red brick store in horse drawn carriages and wagons. Even tho this particular blog is about the women--I have to pause here and say that the men here are so good to do whatever is asked of them. We have a teamster who is over 80--but he still is willing and even able to do all that is asked of him from shoveling manure to preaching the gospel and everything in between!
We paused in front of the red brick store for a picture. This is a picture of all the sister missionaries who were in the mission at the time. We have more than doubled that number in the last 2 months! As you can imagine, it's quite a steep learning curve from when one arrives in Nauvoo, to when they need to be ready to show a site, be in a play, work in the gardens, preach the gospel of repentance, research names of people here in lands and records and everything else that is asked of them. However, we have heard no complaints either from those who are training or those who have been trained. They all just jump in and do what is needed, even if it requires extra hours and more energy than they think they have!
The Relief Society was organized on the 2nd floor of the red brick store--so that is where we held the reenactimet. The sisters in their day caps--on the right represent those in the first Relief Society Meeting. Our sisters are ALL older than the oldest sister in attendance in that orignal meeting, but they had sisters there from teen agers to over 50 from diverse backgrounds. The main things they had in common were their faith in God and their desire to make a difference. Again, that can be said of our sister missionaries. Now as then, our goals haven't changed--we are all about providing relief, strengthening families and increasing our personal rightiousness. Quite an amazing group of women to be associated with!
OK--so Brother Morgan doesn't exactly look like Joseph Smith--but I think his wife looks a lot like Emma! The other two men represent Willard Richards and John Taylor. Elder Call (far left) is a vet and is the leader of our teamsters. I love to go on his carriage rides--he tells the stories and teaches with such spirit. Elder Heaton represented John Taylor. Such a good choice! He is a quiet man with wisdom even beyond HIS years! When Elder Heaton speaks it is done quietly and slowly, but everyone listens. Another man of faith.
After the reenactment t sisters sang "As Sisters in Zion" . When they sang "the errand of Angels is given to Women" the tears started flowing. Our sisters/mothers/daughters truly are angels aren't they?
I was asked to say a few words--and could hardly get my composure after that hymn. My heart was so full of all that faithful women have and will yet do to build up His kingdom here on earth.
I tried to keep my remarks very brief, because Elder Hollstrom happened to be visiting and consented to say a few words to us. Another amazing man!
I think I'll close this blog with a primary song that has long been one of my favorites--at first because of my own Mother and Grandmothers, who taught me what true womanhood was about, and who taught me to love beauty, but also as a tribute to all the women in my life: friends, daughters, missionaries past a present. This picture is of the women who work in the gardens, every day...all day. They work to make Nauvoo "the Beautiful". Aren't THEY beautiful?
I often go walking in meadows of clover, and I gather arm fulls of blossoms of blue
I gather the blossoms the whole meadow over, dear Mother (sister, friend, daughter) all flowers remind me of you.
Dear Mother, I give you my love with each blossom, to bring forth sweet fragrance a whole lifetime through,
For if I love walking.... (Sister Bennett--such a joy! Full of life! Walking through our field of prarie grass, just before the "burning".)
And flowers.....
And Gardens...(yes I know, not exactly the right words, but you get the 'picture'!)
I learned how to love them, dear Sisters, from you!
Thank you!