This past month some of our most wonderful missionaries went home--both our Doctor (Doctor Gabler and his wife) and Rus' 1st Counselor (Elder Barlow and his wife) were among them. Maybe it was because we were in denial, but we totally forgot about the breakfast. Elder Barlow called us about 10 minutes after it had started to see if something was wrong! Luckily, we were just accross the street, so we hurried over. This is what it looked like when we got there!
We switched tables in order to visit with more of our missionaries toward the end of the breakfast. You might notice another of the Mesa Temple missionaries at this table: The Bartons are right about in the middle--she is wearing a red jacket and he is in site clothes.
They had those leaving sitting at the head table. The ones on the right are the Barlows and sitting next to them are the Gablers. The Gablers were the mission Doctor for our mission in Ohio, so it was especially nice that they were here when we came. Elder Barlow basically ran the mission for us until we got our feet on the ground. He left last week and we have already found several things he did that we haven't quite picked up yet! Oh how we miss them both!
There were so many good people leaving-it really left a whole in our missionary force.
Sister Register just takes it upon herself to go around gathering up the trash. That's one of the things that is so nice and different from our other mission--these Senior Missionaries always look for things they can do and just do them, without having to be assigned.
When their skit is over, they all come down and join us in singing "Farewell Nauvoo" Which is a song that is sung in rendezvous when the saints are having to leave--but is pretty applicable to our missionaries going home--see if you don't think so: (notice, I don't have a picture of that--I was too busy bawling! Not very dignified for a mission President's wife--but then--what do they expect!)
"And so Nauvoo, I say farewell to you.
With numb and aching last adieu
As through our tears, we look to homes beyond,
Could ever we be fond of one, as you?
One cardinal's song, One sunset's glow
One Nauvoo dawn. One silhouette of woods on snow.
From templed hill--Faint echoes ring
Where prophets walked and talked with God,
Their memories linger.
And so we go, and hide our aching heart,
No one will see our tears, when we depart,
This home we leave will shelter memories clear
Of all that we hold dear--in old Nauvoo.
Farewell, Nauvvo...Farewell, Nauvvo."
I have to admit, I thought it was touching the first month we sang it--but then we had only been here two weeks. This last time, I couldn't get all the way through it. Nauvoo has a way of growing on us!